nazca, peru

After leaving Arequipa 3 days ago, Elly and I booked a 2 day trek through the Colca Canyon. The bus ride was pretty brtual, 1am departure for a 5 hour trip on dirt roads. By the time we got to the town of Cabanacondor, the altitude was getting to me and I was...

In Arequipa, Peru

After a late night series of red eye flights with a stop over in El Salvador I made it to the Lima airport to be greeted by my friend Eleanor, complete with a handmade sign bearing my name. Our day in Lima yesterday was fairly uneventful and didn´t really include...

Bodie, CA

While down in Bishop for my sisters wedding, I had the opportunity to check out a real California history landmark: the ghost town of Bodie, CA. Bodie had been a booming gold mining town in its day before being nearly leveled by a series of fires and ultimately...

My Big Sister’s Wedding

My oldest sister got married down near Bishop 2 weeks ago. It was a great wedding and also served as a family reunion for both sides of the wedding party. I took a million photos, all of which are up on flickr.

stuff white people like

One of my friends recently posted a thoughtful commentary on the responses to the popular website which lists such popular white people interests as: San Francisco » Dinner Parties » Having Gay Friends » The Wire » Hating Corporations »...